Living Law® is a Video Series of “Travellectures” That Explores the Legal Culture of Countries Across the World. By “bringing” the viewer to the location of the country and/or event under discussion, each episode aims to provide an entertaining as well as an educational learning experience
One World—Many Voices
Travel is a great way to learn about other societies. There are different forms of travel and learning, ranging from reading and viewing, interacting with others from elsewhere, or physically going to another location. Each has its own advantages and limitations. When individuals and societies meet, the result may be cool collaboration or calamitous conflict. The outcome often depends on knowledge and perceptions of the “other.” A primary aim of Living Law® is to support individuals and groups in developing that knowledge and managing those perceptions. Whether that leads to less conflict and more peace probably depends on all of us.
Education Through Travel
Any travel is actually made up of three “trips” to any destination. At the planning and anticipation stage, we inform ourselves about a destination and the people there. Then comes the actual trip, where planning and research meet the wonderful serendipity of travel. Finally, there are the trips down memory lane, when we reflect upon the learning from both the planning and travel phases. All three are important in providing us a basis for knowledge and perceptions of “others.” The Living Law® materials support all three forms and stages of travel. Our motto: Travel but Verify.
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Click on the map below to learn more about that region’s legal history and culture.
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